Join the Montpelier Nextdoor Community


Join the Montpelier Nextdoor Email is a private social network for individual communities that combines the best of Facebook and traditional email lists. On the Montpelier site, neighbors can

  • share local recommendations (plumbers, auto mechanics, babysitters, etc.),
  • sell or give away household items,
  • find neighbors in the directory, view a neighborhood maps (i.e. Halloween homes, neighborhood-wide yardsale participants), and
  • ask for advice.

You can join us by simply going to and entering your email address and street address in Montpelier, and click FIND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. You will be automatically directed to the Montpelier group. You’ll be asked to verify you do live at the address entered through one of several methods. Once verified, you’ll be able to post to the group and share updates with neighbors.

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